Royal Agricultural University
Based in Cirencester, the Royal Agricultural University focuses on specialist training for farming.
We ranked all 29 universities in the south of England against the following best practice criteria to assess how well each institution raises awareness of help available to survivors and encourages them to report. Other marks are given for campaigns and extra measures which show the university’s engagement with preventing and responding to sexual assault. Each received a mark out of 5.
- Anonymous form: The university does not have an online anonymous reporting form, however we do have a Support Services department which is an open door facility that students are encouraged to use to report any concerns in a confidential manner.
- Campaigns: There are no active campaigns run by the university or students’ union.
- Sexual assault advice page: There is a wellbeing and counselling page, although it is not dedicated to the issue of sexual assault. Therefore, a mark has not been awarded for this. The university also has a zero-tolerance policy statement on sexual, physical emotional abuse, violence or harassment, which is a joint statement with the Student Union. The statement is published on our website here and is also provided to students and staff as part of their inductions
- External contacts: Information regarding a local sexual assault referral centre is displayed and available to take away from the Student Support Services hub.
- Other measures: The university has invested in ‘Bystander Intervention Training’ to teach students how to safely intervene in instances of sexual violence, domestic abuse or stalking. Last year, they also launched a peer support team called STARS (Support Team Advice Representatives) who signpost students to support services and are available to talk to students during the evening and out of hours.
Mark: 2/5
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